18      use constant CDF   => "CDF";
  19      use constant FNALU => "FNALU";
  20      use constant CERN  => "CERN";
  21      use constant LOCAL => "LOCAL";
  22      use DateTime;

 104            print "touch $okfile\n" if ($okfile !~ /\.html/);
       99       print "touch $okfile\n" if ($okfile && $okfile !~ /\.html/);

 210         #print "<pre>year $year month $month day $day</pre>\n";

 226            $date = DateTime->now();
      220       $date = Date->today();

 231            $date = DateTime->new( year  => $year,
 232                                   month => $monthIndex,
 233                                   day   => $day );
      225       my $string = "\$date = Date->new($monthIndex, $day, $year)";
      226       my $retval = eval $string;
      227       if ($@ || ! $date) {
      228          # Something didn't work
      229          $date = Date->today();
 234         }
      230       }
      231    } # else if
      232    print "<h2> HTML Code for $date</h2>\n";
 235         my @days = qw (Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday);
 236         my $dateString = sprintf ("%s, %s %d", 
 237                                   $date->day_name, $date->month_name, $date->day);
 238         my $dateKey = sprintf ("%02d%02d%02d",
 239                                $date->year - 2000, $date->month, $date->day);
 241         print "<h2> HTML Code for ",$date->strftime ("%A, %B %d, 20%y"),"</h2>\n";

 246         my $monthDay = " $dateString ";
      237    my $monthDay = " ". $date->weekdayNameFull.", ".$date->monthNameFull . " " . $date->day . " ";

 251         print "&lt;p&gt; &lt;a name=\"", $dateKey,"\"&gt;&lt/a&gt;\n";
      242    print "&lt;p&gt; &lt;a name=\"", $date->key,"\"&gt;&lt/a&gt;\n";

 259            $tag = $dateKey."_$tag";
      250       $tag = $date->key."_$tag";

 262            print "<pre><font color=\"red\">&lt;!-- $prettySubhead -->\n&lt;p&gt;&lt;a name=\"$tag\"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;\n&lt;h3&gt;$subhead\n&lt;a href=\"#$tag\"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;\n\n</font></pre>";
      253       print "<pre><font color=\"red\">&lt;!-- $prettySubhead -->\n&lt;p&gt;&lt;a name=\"$tag\"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;\n&lt;h3&gt;$subhead\n&lt;a href=\"#$tag\"&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;\n\n&lt;p&gt;\n\n</pre>";

 265            print "<br><br></font>\n";
      256       print "<br><br>\n";

 275                                      -default => $date->month_name),
      266                                 -default => $date->monthNameFull), 

      288    chomp (my $date = `date +%y%m`);
 297         my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
 298         my $date = sprintf ("%02d%02d", $year - 100, $mon + 1);

 306         #print "<pre>date $date $year $mon : $max</pre>\n";

 316         if (LOCAL == $mode) {
      305    if ('LOCAL' == $mode) {

 320              "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"></head></html>\n";
      309           "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"></head></html>\n";

 333         if (! -e "$basedir/$okfile") {
      322    if ($okfile && ! -e "$basedir/$okfile") {

 430         my @neededKeys = qw (hostname needed basedir htmlbase okfile);
      419    my @neededKeys = qw (hostname needed basedir htmlbase);

      422       # gete rid of comments and extra spaces
 433            chomp;
      423       chomp;      

      425       s|^\s*||;
      426       s|\s*$||;

 440            if (m|^\s*\+\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+\S)\s*|) {
      432       if (m|^\s*\+\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*\S?)\s*|) {

 489         $okfile   = $hashRef->{'okfile'};
      481    $okfile   = $hashRef->{'okfile'} || "";

 513         $okfile   = $hashRef->{'okfile'};
      505    $okfile   = $hashRef->{'okfile'} || "";